Monday, July 20, 2015

What does Mountain Home need?

 Is this really a hard question to answer or is there a lot of over thinking going on? Do we need another gym, exercise machines, daycare, or programs that are already here? If programs are in such dire need then why hasn't the WECRD offered any in 15 years? They've had a building and heaven knows they've had the tax money. Why don't they start a program tomorrow? School is starting up soon. How about ten laptops and internet for kids to do their homework on? Throw a printer in there for good measure. Maybe there's no one here that could run something like that for the WECRD? The high degree of difficulty in running a yoga program, bball,or an after school program can only be done by the Y. Maybe that's the reason they hire all their work done. What actual work do the directors do? They have secretaries and a Y helper person and get study's done and surveys and pay the Y to "consult" for 170k so far. Oh that's right they get to go eat steak dinners on us and get donuts, I mean "office supplies" from Pauls Market.The only reason they started updating their website since 2013 or their Facebook page since 2011 was because the citizens took up pitchforks and torches. What do they do?
 What does this community need? It's not a gym. It's not more exercise machines. It's not Yoga, or bball or programs we already have. What we lack is a big open space to do things in the winter. To walk, run, play sports, take the kids to the playground, have a concert, and a thousand other things. Run by a local person that is paid to integrate this facility into our community and fill actual needs. A highly multi-functional building so that when it's 10 degrees and blowing sideways there's a huge, open, heated, place that has different flooring systems of wood, turf, dirt, and industrial strength, where the whole taxpayer base of the WECRD can recreate. Not just the 700 members of the Y. We don't need a Y. We can do this ourselves, should do this ourselves. Why elect local people and then have all the input come from people that have no vested interest in this community? A percentage of the money that the WECRD gives the Y to run our facility goes back to the Y. If this really is about the community then shouldn't it really be about the community? $170,000 to tell us that we need stuff that we already have? Do we really need that or is that a cookie cutter Y plan that they use? At least the Y will get their cut of our tax money and more members. We get more of what we already have. Did anyone really think that we would ask the Y to come here and tell us what we need and they would say we don't need a Y?